
By Rizaloid - Oktober 18, 2009

Here are my two freshly finished, unhealed and slightly swollen tattoos.

finished side piece - don't mind my weird sports bra lines, food baby (mmm Subway!), or my arm up there! haha

freshly done, unhealed, finished rib panel! fresh and still swollen...ow

And here is my thigh. If you've been following my blog for awhile, you may remember that this is the tattoo my baby sister and I got together! Mine says "Tea for Two" and hers says "Two for Tea." :)

freshly done, unhealed, finished thigh piece

Here it is before it was finished...
Teacup tattoo- session two freshly done, one session to go!

and here are my sister and mine, a few months ago, still in the process of completion. Lauren is on the left! :)
Tea for two, tea for two!

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