Hey darling husband, I love you!

By Rizaloid - Januari 03, 2010

bad quality scan of one of my favorite photos of us! :)

I wanted to make a special post dedicated to my very best friend.

He is the most patient person I know, often putting up with my emotional ups and downs, my silly ideas, and my "just one more picture, pleeeease" moods.

He is my big spoon, my foot warmer, the place I lay my head at night.

He's the hand I reach for when I cross the street, the eyes I look to during the saddest and funniest parts of movies, the side I nudge when we find secret humor in an ordinary thing.

He is my food taster, my baked goods sampler, my soup stirrer.

I feel lucky, so lucky, that we found each other in this whole, wide world. Sometimes I wonder how it is even possible, but then I try to stop thinking about things so much and just be. I'm so thankful.

He is my best friend.

Everything is sweeter because of him, and I am so grateful to call him my husband.

I love you Hank!

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