Teen Crush: Kurt Cobain

By Rizaloid - Januari 17, 2010

In my earliest teen years, I was into many things, but most of all, I had a love for a Mr. Kurt Cobain and his beautiful music. My room was covered in posters of the group, and as much as I loved all of the guys, Kurt was my number one crush. I remember watching Nirvana: Unplugged in New York and feeling like my 11-year old self was destined to marry him, fuzzy green cardigan and all. To this day whenever I watch these videos and I get a happy little feeling in my belly. Kurt, wherever you are, I love you! :)

I also went through a Jonathan Taylor Thomas phase, a la Bop and Tiger Beat but I moved on quickly from him, into my grungy rocker phase (um, hi Jordan Catalano) which has kinda lasted forever, although Hank isn't very grungy. Regardless, it was quite the jump from my all-American JTT to Kurt! Do you have any "crushes" from when you were younger? Do tell!

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